Monday 14 January 2019


The textile industry in India is one of the largest in the world and is picking up its pace to reach the top spot. That being said it has not always been like that. Textile industry has worked their ass off over the past decade or so to reach where it is today. Like in any field, the field of textile also had to face some tough challenges. The textile industry has reached new heights after working their ass off day and night according to a wording of a teacher having MBA in textile designing.
The first challenge that the textile industry had to go through was the problem of ever-increasing competition. After seeing huge potential in the textile market worldwide, the competition from Bangladesh, China and Sri-Lanka began to increase at fast pace in words of a student who pursuing BBA in textile designing. It’s a commonly acknowledged fact that the products from China are cheaper than that of any other country and that’s what make their products sell faster than any other country’s product. Overcoming this challenge had its own set of challenges and complications. According to a stylist having a degree in textile designing. 

In accordance of an interior designing institute in Delhi the ever-increasing cost of raw materials and water scarcity are two of the most daunting complications faced by textile industry in the recent times in views of a student pursuing diploma in interior designing in Delhi.The population in India is a major plus as well as a negative point as well. One of the most common negative aspect of an overly-populated country includes fast utilization of resources and that’s what’s leads to its higher prices in long run and have adverse effects on different sectors. 

The Indian textile sector has taken up the task of not letting anything get in the way of its improvement and is not looking to back down anytime soon. More hard work is leading to even more sweeter result for the textile.